"The molecules we identified could be used as a molecular tool delivered directly into the ears of deaf people to induce regeneration of important sensory cells that would improve hearing," she said. 我们确认的分子可以作为分子工具直接转送到耳聋患者的耳朵里,促使重要感觉细胞再生以提高听力。
Freezing destroys the cancer cells, inflammatory cells, and small sensory nerve cells that cause pain. 冷冻破坏了癌细胞、炎症细胞以及引起疼痛的感觉神经细胞。
The epidermis contains cells involved in immune defenses, sensory receptors, pigment cells, and keratin-producing cells. 表皮包括免疫细胞,感官接受体,色素细胞和产生细胞的角蛋白。
They were really surprised to watch the effect of merely "knocking" off a few pain related sensory nerve cells. 他们惊讶的观察到,仅简单敲除一小部分痛觉相关感觉神经细胞所带来的效果。
And in red is a hair cell marker that labels sensory hair cells and the yellow color is the composite color of the green and the red. 红色部分是遗传标记,代表的是听觉毛细胞,黄色是,红和绿两色的复合色。
In many cases of non-congenital hearing loss, the cause is degeneration of specialized sensory cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. 在许多情况下非先天性听力损失的原因是在内耳的特殊感觉细胞毛细胞的变性造成的。
Unlike chickens, humans cannot replace sensory cells lost to aging, toxicity or loud noise. 与鸡不同的是,人类不能取代失去了感觉细胞老化,毒性或巨响。
When their activity is high, they prevent sensory cells from instructing secretory cells to release vasopressin. 当它们的活动很强时,它们阻止感觉细胞指示分泌细胞(secretorycell)去释放抗利尿激素。
When they removed the sensory neurons, it prevented inflammation of the cells and the mice did not develop the disorder. 将小鼠的感官神经元去除可防止细胞出现炎症,并使小鼠不会出现机能紊乱。
The crista awpullaris of the semicircular canal consisted of a layer of sensory hair cells and2-3 layers of supporting cells. 半规管的壶腹嵴由一排感觉毛细胞和2~3排支持细胞构成。
Expression of nerve growth factor in sensory and motor Schwann cells 感觉性和运动性神经来源许旺细胞神经生长因子的表达
Ongoing production of sensory epithelium cells in the avian inner ear 鸡内耳感觉上皮细胞的自然增殖状态
Since the regeneration capacity of hair cells in cochlear and vestibule of mammals are limited, the loss of sensory hair cells is a major cause of neurosensory deafness, which can be hardly restored and regenerated by themselves. 由于哺乳动物前庭和耳蜗毛细胞的再生修复能力非常有限,因此通常认为毛细胞的损伤丢失是导致感音神经性聋的主要成因,并且靠自身是无法再生与修复。
Whether the chick vestibular sensory epithelium is capable of regenerating hair cells following aminoglycoside ototoxicity was investigated. The chicks received daily intramuscular injection of 60 mg/ kg gentamicin sulfate ( GM) for 10 days. 为探讨氨基糖甙类药物损伤后,鸡前庭感觉上皮细胞是否与听觉毛细胞一样具有再生能力,按每d60mg/kg剂量给鸡肌注庆大霉素,共10d。
CONCLUSION: ① The T/ C ratio of sensory gating in striatum of Parkinson disease rats with ventral mesencephalic cells significantly increases some time, and the rotational behavior is significantly improved during the 21 days after transplantation. 结论:①接受胎鼠中脑细胞移植的帕金森病鼠,在一定时间内可使纹状体感觉门控的T/C值显著回升,且21d内可显著改善帕金森病鼠的旋转行为。
The mammalian organ of Corti is comprised of sensory ( inner hair cells and outer hair cells) and supporting cells ( e.g., Hensen, Deiter, Pillar cells). 哺乳动物的Corti器由感觉细胞(内、外毛细胞)和支持细胞(Hensen细胞、Deiter细胞和柱细胞等)组成。
A morphological study on the relation between the sensory neurons innervating anterior gastric wall and the mast cells in rats& afferent elements through the splanchnic nerves 大鼠胃前壁的感觉神经元与肥大细胞关系的形态学观察&经内脏神经的传入纤维
And a few sensory cells strewn along this route. 也有少数细胞沿此路线散在。
A Study on Kinetics of Sensory Neuropeptides and Antigen-presenting Cells in Human Dental Pulp of Carious Teeth 人龋病牙髓中神经肽和抗原呈递细胞的动态研究
DATA SYNTHESIS: Degeneration of inner ear cells, especially sensory hair cells and associated neurons, results in hearing impairment and balance disorders. 资料综合:内耳细胞尤其是毛细胞及相关的神经元损伤丢失可导致听觉损伤和平衡觉失调。
Sensory hair cells with overlymg tectorial membrane could be identified in the basilar papilla. 基底乳头在内淋巴腔面有感觉毛细胞,其表面可见盖膜。
The results demonstrated that there was no obvious effect of ofloxacin on sensory cells of inner car, but gentamicin had serious cochleotoxicity add vestibulotoxicity. 结果表明,氟嗪酸对内耳的感觉细胞无明显的影响,而庆大霉素则有严重的耳蜗毒性及前庭毒性。
By four weeks post recovery, the regeneration hair cell developed normal sensory hair cells. 当恢复1周后,受损处毛细胞迅速再生,至恢复2周后Bp基本正常。
Industrial noise induces special damage to the auditory organ, principally to the sensory cells-hair cells of the inner ear. 工业噪声主要损伤内耳的感觉细胞&毛细胞。
The differentiated hair cells and supporting cells underwent apoptosis in vestibular sensory epithelium, and TUNEL positive cells were also markedly decreased with ageing. TUNEL阳性反应可发生于毛细胞和支持细胞,随年龄增加,阳性细胞数逐渐减少;
The present study can be divided into following two parts: Part one: Bone marrow MSCs differentiate into hair cell-like cells in vitroObjective: To explore the feasibility of directionally inducing bone marrow MSCs to cochlear sensory hair cells in vitro. Methods: 1. 本研究共分为两部分:第一部分骨髓间充质干细胞体外诱导分化为毛细胞样细胞目的:探讨骨髓间充质干细胞体外定向分化为耳蜗毛细胞的可行性。
The necklace olfactory system is formed by a group of specialized olfactory sensory neurons and their corresponding post-synaptic neurons, like mitral cells. 第二部分有关项链嗅觉系统转基因小鼠的构建项链嗅觉系统由嗅觉系统中一类特殊的嗅觉感觉神经元和它们对应的僧帽细胞等突触后细胞组成。